标准号:SS 78 Pt.B5-1992
中文标准名称:混凝土测试. 第B5部分:混凝土的射线照相术推荐标准
英文标准名称:Testing Concrete Part B5 : Recommendations For Radiography Of Concrete
发布日期:1992/1/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This Part of SS 78 B series standards gives recommendations for the radiographic inspection of concrete. Up to approximately 500 mm thick, gamma ray sources are usually employed; above this thickness the use of high-energy X-rays is more appropriate. Recommendations are given on the factors which govern the quality of the radiographic image, namely the source characteristic, the arrangement of source, object and film in space, the film speed, the use of screens, the exposure time and the film development technique.This standard is for the guidance of radiographers and the information of others involved.NOTE 1. By law, radiography has to be carried out under the supervision of qualified personnel.NOTE 2. Explanatory notes on the radiographic technique are given in Appendix A, and radiographic examples are given in Appendix B.