标准号:IEC 60853-2-1989
中文标准名称:电缆周期性和事故电流定额的计算 第2部分:18/30(36)kV以上电缆的周期性定额和一切电压电缆的事故定额
英文标准名称:Calculation of the cyclic and emergency current rating of cables; part 2: cyclic rating of cables greater than 18/30 (36) kV and emergency ratings for cables of all voltages
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:Gives manual methods for calculating cyclic rating factors for cables whose internal thermal capacitance cannot be neglected; in general this applies to cables for voltages greater than 18/ 30 (36) kV. It also gives a method for calculating the emergency