标准号:SFS 4426 E-1979
英文标准名称:In case of interpretation disputes the Finnish version applies. Date oftranslation 1987-03-23.
发布日期:1979/10/30 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 This standard specifies the guarantee terms to be used in a painting contract betvveen the clientand the painting contractor.An equipment supplier is equivalent to a painting contractor, when these guarantee terms are applied to a supply agreement betvveen a client and an equipment supplier.1.2 The guarantee terms specified in this standard are applicable to painting of equipment andstructures supplied to be used only in Finland, to the extent that has been agreed in vvriting by the parties concerned.1.3 This standard is intended to be used as an appendix to tender requests, tenders and contractdocuments dealing vvith anti-corrosive painting vvork. If guarantee terms are to be applied, the contractor should be informed of this already at the tender request stage.1.4 These guarantee terms can be changed only by a vvritten agreement betvveen the parties.