标准号:IS 10767 Pt.1-1984
发布日期:1984/9/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1.1 This standard is applicable to interface systems used to interconnect both programmable and non-programmable electronic measuring apparatus with other apparatus and accessories necessary to assemble instrumentation systems.1.1.2 This standard is applicable to the interface of instrumentation systems, or portions of them, in which:- the data exchanged among the interconnected apparatus is digital (as distinct from analogue);- the number of devices that may be interconnected by one contiguous bus does not exceed 15;- the total transmission path length over the interconnecting cables does not exceed 20 m:- the data rate across the interface on any signal line does not exceed 1 megabit per second.The basic functional specifications of this standard may be used in digital interface applications which require longer distances, more devices, increased noise immunity, or combinations of these. Different electrical and mechanical specifications may be required (e.g., symmetrical circuit configurations, high threshold logic, special connectors or cable configurations) for these extended applications.1.1.3 This standard may also be applicable to other instrumentation system elements such as processors, stimulus, display, or storage devices, and terminal units found useful in instrumentation systems.1.1.4 This standard applies generally to laboratory and production test environments which are both electrically quiet and restricted as to physical dimensions (distances between the system components).1.1.5 A primary focus of this standard is to set forth an interface system to interconnect self-contained apparatus to other apparatus by external means. This standard may be also applied to interconnect the internal subsections within a self-contained equipment.