标准号:IS 1060 Pt.1-1966
发布日期:1966/11/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 This standard prescribes the methods of sampling and test, which are common to several detailed Indian Standard specifications for paper and allied products. It covers method of sampling, preliminary examination of consignment, conditioning and the methods of test for the determination of the following:a) Substance or ream weight,b) Thickness,c) Bulk,d) Moisture content,e) pH value,f) Ash,g) Tensile strength and stretch, h) Breaking length,j) Bursting strength, k) Folding endurance, m) Tearing resistance, n) Sizing,p) Resistance of writing papers to feathering, q) Water penetration, r) Water absorbency, s) Gloss, t) Opacity,u) Oil absorbency, and v) Fibre composition ( furnish ).1.2 Should there be any inconsistency between the requirements of this standard and those of the standard for an individual material, the latter shall prevail.