标准号:DIN EN ISO 17871-2018
中文标准名称:气瓶. 速释气瓶阀门. 规格和型式试验 (ISO 17871-2015+Amd 1-2018); 德文版本EN ISO 17871-2015+A1-2018
英文标准名称:Gas cylinders - Quick-release cylinder valves - Specification and type testing (ISO 17871:2015 + Amd 1:2018); German version EN ISO 17871:2015 + A1:2018
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:DIN EN ISO 10286-2015;DIN EN ISO 10297-2014;DIN EN ISO 14246-2014;DIN EN ISO 22434-2011;DIN EN ISO 22435-2013;DIN EN ISO 80000-4-2013;EN 12094-4-2004;ISO 10286-2015;ISO 10297-2014;ISO/TR 11364-2012;ISO 14246-2014;ISO 16003-2008;ISO 22434-2006;ISO 22435-20
适用范围:This International Standard in conjunction with ISO 10297:2014 and ISO 14246:2014 specifies design, type testing, marking and manufacturing tests, and examinations requirements for quick-release cylinder valves intended to be fitted to refillable transportable gas cylinders which convey non-toxic, non-oxidizing, non-flammable and non-corrosive compressed or liquefied gases or extinguishing agents charged with compressed gases to be used for fire-extinguishing, explosion protection, and rescue applications. This International Standard covers the function of a quick-release cylinder valve as a closure. This International Standard does not apply to quick-release cylinder valves for cryogenic equipment, for portable fire extinguishers, or for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).