标准号:DIN EN 14298-2018
中文标准名称:锯材.干燥质量的评定;德文版本EN 14298-2017
英文标准名称:Sawn timber - Assessment of drying quality; German version EN 14298:2017
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 844-3-1995;EN 844-4-1997;EN 844-12-2000;EN 1438-1998;CEN/TS 12169-2008;EN 13183-1-2002;EN 13183-2-2002;CEN/TS 14464-2010
适用范围:This European Standard defines a method of assessment of drying quality. It applies to a lot of dried sawn timber (surfaced or not). It applies to both softwood and hardwood with a thickness not greater than 100 mm. The quality of drying is expressed in terms of target and average moisture content of the lot as well as defining the moisture content variation between individual pieces expressed as allowable upper and lower limits. An option for specifying the degree of case-hardening is included. NOTE 1 Other features related to drying, e. g. checking, distortions, stain, etc., are specified in documents for visual grading of sawn timber or in product specifications and are not covered by this document. NOTE 2 In the following the term sawn timber is used for all dried timber covered by this the scope.