标准号:BS 31100-2011
中文标准名称:风险管理.BS ISO 31000标准的实施指南和实用规程
英文标准名称:Risk management. Code of practice and guidance for the implementation of BS ISO 31000
发布日期:2011/6/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/6/30 12:00:00
适用范围:This British Standard gives recommendations for implementing the principlesand guidelines in BS ISO 31000:2009, including the risk management frameworkand process. It provides a basis for understanding, developing, implementingand maintaining proportionate and effective risk management throughout anorganization, in order to enhance the organization’s likelihood of achieving itsobjectives.This British Standard is intended for use by anyone with responsibility for, orinvolved in, any of the following:a) ensuring an organization achieves its objectives;b) ensuring risks are proactively managed in specific areas or activities;c) overseeing risk management in an organization;d) providing assurance about the effectiveness of an organization’s riskmanagement; and/or e) reporting to stakeholders, e.g. through disclosures in annual financialstatements, corporate governance reports and corporate social responsibilityreports.