标准号:BS EN 13976-2-2011
英文标准名称:Rescue systems. Transportation of incubators. System requirements
发布日期:2011/6/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/6/30 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 1789;EN 1865;EN 13718-1;EN 13718-2;EN 13976-1-2011;EN 60601-1;EN 60601-1-2;EN 60601-2-20;RTCA DO 160;RTCA DO 199
适用范围:This European Standard specifies the requirements for a transport incubator system needed for care andtreatment of infants, used in emergency or planned transport.It specifies the particular requirements needed to ensure the proper function of equipment duringtransportation (e.g. monitors, respirators, infusion pumps, extra corporeal lung support- (ECLS-) systems, gassupply) and to provide safe transportation for infants and operators.This European Standard also stipulates that the equipment or systems shall not interfere with the functions ofthe ambulance providing transportation.This European Standard does not give requirements for the vehicles, crafts, devices or incubators as such,these requirements are found in other standards. However, transport incubators are normally combined withother equipment to form a “transport incubator system”.