标准号:ISO 16063-15-2006
英文标准名称:Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers - Part 15: Primary angular vibration calibration by laser interferometry
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of ISO 16063 specifies the instrumentation and procedures used for primary angular vibrationcalibration of angular transducers, i.e. angular accelerometers, angular velocity transducers and rotationalangle transducers (with or without amplifier) to obtain the magnitude and the phase shift of the complexsensitivity by steady-state sinusoidal vibration and laser interferometry. The methods specified in this part ofISO 16063 are applicable to measuring instruments (rotational laser vibrometers in particular) and to angulartransducers as defined in ISO 2041 for the quantities of rotational angle, angular velocity and angularacceleration.It is applicable to a frequency range from 1 Hz to 1,6 kHz and a dynamic range (amplitude) from 0,1 rad/s2 to1 000 rad/s2 (frequency-dependent).These ranges are covered with the uncertainty of measurement specified in Clause 3. Calibration frequencieslower than 1 Hz (e.g. 0,4 Hz, which is a reference frequency used in other International Standards) andangular acceleration amplitudes smaller than 0,1 rad/s2 can be achieved using method 3A or method 3Bspecified in this part of ISO 16063, in conjunction with an appropriate low-frequency angular vibrationgenerator.Method 1A (cf. Clause 8: fringe-counting, interferometer type A) and method 1B (cf. Clause 8: fringe-counting,interferometer type B) are applicable to the calibration of the magnitude of complex sensitivity in the frequencyrange of 1 Hz to 800 Hz and under special conditions, at higher frequencies. Method 2A (cf. Clause 9:minimum-point method, interferometer type A) and method 2B (cf. Clause 9: minimum-point method,interferometer type B) can be used for sensitivity magnitude calibration in the frequency range of 800 Hz to1,6 kHz. Method 3A (cf. Clause 10: sine-approximation method, interferometer type A) and method 3B(cf. Clause 10: sine-approximation method, interferometer type B) can be used for magnitude of sensitivityand phase calibration in the frequency range of 1 Hz to 1,6 kHz. Methods 1A, 1B and 3A, 3B provide forcalibrations at fixed angular acceleration amplitudes at various frequencies. Methods 2A and 2B requirecalibrations at fixed rotational angle amplitudes (angular velocity amplitude and angular accelerationamplitude vary with frequency).