标准号:BS 6093-2006+A1-2013
英文标准名称:Design of joints and jointing in building construction.Guide
发布日期:2006/7/28 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/7/28 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 5606;BS 6100-6;BS 6100-11;BS 6213;BS 6750;BS 6954-3;BS 8000-16;BS 8210;BS 8297;BS 8449;BS EN 1996-1-2;BS EN 13830
适用范围:This British Standard gives recommendations for the design of joints and the use of jointing products in building construction. Following an analysis of joint functions and of the performance of the parts to be joined, joints are classified in this standard on the basis of the movements and inaccuracies they have to accommodate. Mechanisms by which joints operate are identified and recommendations are made on the use of sealants and gaskets. Some emphasis is placed on weather resistance of joints in the external envelope of buildings.