标准号:BS 7666-1-2006
英文标准名称:Spatial datasets for geographical referencing - Specification for a street gazetteer
发布日期:2006/7/28 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/7/28 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 7666-0;BS ISO 639-2;BS ISO 8601
适用范围:This part of BS 7666 specifies the data to be maintained in a gazetteer ofstreets, consistent with Part 0 of this standard. This enables differentusers of street information to use the same data with consistency ofcontent, accuracy, currency and format. Different ways of referencinga street are defined so that data can be accessed by street name,description, route number, unique reference number or external crossreference.This part of BS 7666 also specifies the means of representing thegeometry of the street in terms of coordinates. Three ways are allowedfor this with successive levels of detail:a) by identifying the end points of a street, and representing the streetas a single line segment;b) by breaking the street at its intermediate junctions to create a setof constituent line segments, termed elementary street units;c) by describing the course of each elementary street unit.Each of these options is defined by a level of conformance to thestandard.This part of BS 7666 is intended for use by those compiling streetgazetteers for purposes of highways and streetworks management,property addressing and navigation. It does not provide a databasedesign or a transfer format.This part of BS 7666 also specifies how additional information on PublicRights of Way may be recorded. This only applies to England and Wales.