标准号:DIN EN 15544-2009
中文标准名称:一次性砖瓦炉.灰泥炉尺寸,德文版本EN 15544:2009
英文标准名称:One off Kachelgrundöfen/Putzgrundöfen (tiled/mortared stoves) - Dimensioning; German version EN 15544:2009
发布日期:2009/12/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 13384-1
适用范围:This standard specifies calculations for the dimensioning of Kachelgrundöfen/Putzgrundöfen (tiled/mortaredstoves) based upon the required nominal heat output of the stove as declared by the producer. TheKachelgrundöfen/Putzgrundöfen (tiled/mortared stoves) are of individual one-off construction design. Thestandard can be used for log wood fired Kachel6fen (tile stoves) that burn one fuel load per storage periodwith a maximum load between 10 kg and 40 kg and a storage period (nominal heating time) between 8 h and24 h.This standard is valid for Kachelgrundöfen/Putzgrundöfen (tiled/mortared stoves) equipped with fireclay asinterior material, with an apparent density between 1,750 kg/m