标准号:DIN ISO 20712-2-2008
英文标准名称:Water safety signs and beach safety flags - Part 2: Specifications for beach safety flags - Colour, shape, meaning and performance (ISO 20712-2:2007)
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 105-A02;ISO 105-A03;ISO 105-B02;ISO 105-V03;ISO 105-E01;ISO 105-E02;ISO 105-X12;ISO 2076;ISO/CIE 10526;ISO/CIE 10527;ISO 13934-1;ISO 13938-1;ISO 17724;EN 1049-2-1993;EN 12127;CIE 15;BS 2F 127-1991;BS 5441
适用范围:This part of ISO 20712 specifies requirements for the shape and colour of beach safety flags for themanagement of activities on coastal and inland beaches, to be used for giving information on wind and waterconditions and other hazardous conditions, and to indicate the location of swimming and other aquatic activityzones extending from the beach into the water. It also specifies the colorimetric and photometric propertiesand the physical properties, including strength and colour fastness, of the materials from which beach safetyflags are to be made.It is not applicable to flags for use on firing ranges or to flags for use to indicate water quality or to signallingused for maritime traffic.NOTE The illustrations in this part of ISO 20712 are as accurate as possible within the limitations of the printingprocess.