标准号:BS 1139-2.2-2009
英文标准名称:Metal scaffolding –
Part 2: Couplers –
Section 2.2: Aluminium couplers and
special couplers in steel – Requirements
and test methods
发布日期:2009/10/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/10/31 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 1139-1.2;BS EN 39;BS EN 74-1-2005;BS EN 1706;BS EN 12811-2-2004;BS EN 12811-3;BS EN ISO 9001
适用范围:This section of BS 1139-2 specifies requirements and test methods foraluminium alloy couplers and steel fittings for use in scaffolds andfalsework constructed with scaffold tubes conforming to BS EN 39,types 3 and 4, or BS 1139-1.2.It is applicable to:• aluminium right-angle, swivel and sleeve couplers;• steel putlog couplers, expanding joint pins and reveal pins;• steel putlogs, putlog adapters and toe-board clips; and• aluminium or steel castors.NOTE Steel right-angle, swivel, sleeve and parallel couplers are coveredby BS EN 74-1.