标准号:ISO 26429-3-2008
英文标准名称:Digital cinema (D-cinema) packaging - Part 3: Sound and picture track file
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:SMPTE 330M-2004;SMPTE 377M-2004;SMPTE 379M-2004;SMPTE 390M-2004;SMPTE RP 224;RFC 2046
适用范围:This standard specifies the common features of the format of sound and picture Tracks Files for distfibution ofD-Cinema content using the MXF file format. It defines data structures for interchange at the signal interlacesof networks or storage media, but does not define internal storage formats for compliant devices or mappingsfor particular essence encedings. This document is an Application Specification for D Cinema applications Itis based on the SMPTE 390M OP-ATOM standard, but is further constrained to address the needs ofdistribution of D-Cinema content to exhibition sites.