标准号:DIN EN 12350-2-2009
中文标准名称:新拌混凝土试验.第2部分:坍落度试验.英文版本DIN EN 12350-2-2009-08
英文标准名称:Testing fresh concrete - Part 2: Slump-test; English version of DIN EN 12350-2:2009-08
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 12350-1
适用范围:This European standard specifies a method for determining the consistence of fresh concrete by the slumptest.The slump test is sensitive to changes in the consistence of concrete, which correspond to slumps between10 mm and 210 mm. Beyond these extremes the measurement of slump can be unsuitable and othermethods of determining the consistency should be considered.If the slump continues to change over a period of 1 min after de-moulding, the slump test is not suitable as ameasure of consistence.The test is not suitable when the maximum size of aggregate in the concrete is greater than 40 mm.