标准号:BS EN ISO 7730-2006
英文标准名称:Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria
发布日期:2006/1/19 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/1/19 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard presents methods for predicting the general thermal sensation and degree ofdiscomfort (thermal dissatisfaction) of people exposed to moderate thermal environments. It enables theanalytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of PMV (predicted mean vote)and PPD (predicted percentage of dissatisfied) and local thermal comfort criteria, giving the environmentalconditions considered acceptable for general thermal comfort as well as those representing local discomfort. Itis applicable to healthy men and women exposed to indoor environments where thermal comfort is desirable,but where moderate deviations from thermal comfort occur, in the design of new environments or theassessment of existing ones. Although developed specifically for the work environment, it is applicable toother kinds of environment as well. It is intended to be used with reference to ISO/TS 14415:2005, 4.2, whenconsidering persons with special requirements, such as those with physical disabilities. Ethnic, national orgeographical differences need also to be taken into account when considering non-conditioned spaces.