标准号:BS 8204-5-2004+A1-2011
英文标准名称:Screeds, bases and in situ floorings. Mastic asphalt underlays and wearing surfaces. Code of practice
发布日期:2004/9/20 12:00:00
实施日期:2004/9/20 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 747;BS 1447-1988;BS 5284-1993;BS 6100-1.3.3-1987;BS 6100-2.4.1-1992;BS 6925-1988;BS 7976-2;BS 8204-1-2003;BS 8218-1998;BS EN 12970-2000;BS EN 13318;BS EN 13813
适用范围:This part of BS 8204 makes recommendations for the types and grades of materials, design, work on site,protection, inspection and testing, maintenance and repair for in situ mastic asphalt for flooring applied asa wearing surface or underlay, incorporating waterproof membranes where required. It is applicable tomastic asphalt applied hot to concrete bases and screeds and concrete suspended floors.It is intended for mastic asphalt contractors, specifiers, builders and designers, and main contractors.It gives recommendations for mastic asphalt flooring in buildings applied, as an underlay or as a wearingsurface, on a concrete base or screed.NOTE This part of BS 8204 is intended to be read in conjunction with BS 8204-1.