标准号:BS EN 60068-2-20-2008
英文标准名称:Environmental testing - Part 2-20: Tests – Test T: Test methods for solderability
and resistance to soldering
heat of devices with leads
发布日期:2009/1/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2009/1/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60068-1;IEC 60068-2-2;IEC 60068-2-66;IEC 60068-2-78;IEC 60194;IEC 61191-3;IEC 61191-4
适用范围:This part of IEC 60068 outlines Test T, applicable to devices with leads. Soldering tests forsurface mounting devices (SMD) are described in IEC 60068-2-58.This standard provides procedures for determining the solderability and resistance tosoldering heat of devices in applications using solder alloys, which are eutectic or neareutectic tin lead (Pb), or lead-free alloys.The procedures in this standard include the solder bath method and soldering iron method.The objective of this standard is to ensure that component lead or termination solderabilitymeets the applicable solder joint requirements of IEC 61191-3 and IEC 61191-4. In addition,test methods are provided to ensure that the component body can resist against the heat loadto which it is exposed during soldering.NOTE Information about wetting time and wetting force can be obtained by test methods using a wetting balance.See IEC 60068-2-54 (solder bath method) and IEC 60068-2-69 (solder bath and solder globule method for SMDs).