标准号:BS DD 7971-9-2005
英文标准名称:Protective clothing and equipment for use in violent situations and in training - Training suits and equipment - Requirements and test methods
发布日期:2005/9/14 12:00:00
实施日期:2005/9/14 12:00:00
适用范围:This Draft for Development specifies performance requirements and test methods for trasining suits and equipment for use in the training of personnel who might be exposed to attack and assault in the course of their duties, in the techniques of self defence,and the control,restraint and apprehension of violent individuals in scenarios where resistance, non-compliance and aggression are played out. Suits and equipment suitable for use by instructors and suits and equipment suitable for use by trainees are apecified. Training models of weapons for use with the training suits are also specified.