标准号:ISO 148-2-2008
英文标准名称:Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum impact test - Part 2: Verification of testing machines
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 148-1;ISO 148-3
适用范围:This part of ISO 148 covers the verification of the constructional elements of pendulum-type impact testingmachines. It is applicable to machines with 2 mm or 8 mm strikers used for pendulum impact tests carried out,for instance, in accordance with ISO 148-1.It can analogously be applied to pendulum impact testing machines of various capacities and of differentdesign.Impact machines used for industrial, general or research laboratory testing of metallic materials in accordancewith this part of ISO 148 are referred to as industrial machines. Those with more stringent requirements arereferred to as reference machines. Specifications for the verification of reference machines are found inISO 148-3.This part of ISO 148 describes two methods of verification.a) The direct method, which is static in nature, involves measurement of the critical parts of the machine toensure that it meets the requirements of this part of ISO 148. Instruments used for the verification andcalibration are traceable to national standards. Direct methods are used when a machine is beinginstalled or repaired, or if the indirect method gives a non-conforming result.b) The indirect method, which is dynamic in nature, uses reference test pieces to verify points on themeasuring scale.A pendulum impact testing machine is not in compliance with this part of ISO 148 until it has been verified byboth the direct and indirect methods and meets the requirements of Clauses 6 and 7.The requirements for the reference test pieces are found in ISO 148-3.This part of ISO 148 takes into account the total energy absorbed in fracturing the test piece using an indirectmethod. This total absorbed energy consists of-the energy needed to break the test piece itself, and-the internal energy losses of the pendulum impact testing machine performing the first half-cycle swingfrom the initial position.