标准号:IS 5864-1983
发布日期:1983/12/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:1.1 This standard prescribes gas chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods for the determination of DDT [2, 2-bis (ρ-chlorophenyI ) - 1, 1, l-trichloroethane and related isomers] residues in foods.1.1.1 The gas chromatographic method determines residues of p,p' -DDT and related isomers such as p,p' -DDE [ 2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) 1-1-dichloroethylene ], p,p'-TDE [2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) 1,1-dichloro-ethane] and o,p-DDT [ 2 - (p-chlorophenyl) 2-( o-chloiophenyl )-1, 1, l-trichloroethane] in the range of 0·01 to 0·02 υg/g (0·01 to 0·02 ppm ), whereas the limit of detection with spectrophotometric method is 0·1 to 0·3 ng/g (0·1 to 0·3 ppm).1.1.2 The procedures based on the use of alternate GLC column, thin layer chromatography and microalkali derivatization are also being prescribed for the confirmation of the nature of DDT residues.