标准号:BS 1104-1957
英文标准名称:Specification for general purpose Acme screw threads
发布日期:1957/6/5 12:00:00
实施日期:1957/6/5 12:00:00
适用范围:Defines Acme thread; tables of basic sizes, limits and tolerances for standard series of single start threads $9D in to 5 in diameter. Agrees with ASA B1.5:1952 except for pitches associated with diameters $9F in, $9G in, 1 in, 1$9D in and 1$9H in. 2G, 3G and 4G fits in the American standard included, together with finer class , 5G. Tables of effective diameter tolerances for extended range of diameter/pitch combinations are provided. From these and related tables limiting dimensions for any special diameter/pitch combination for single or multi-start Acme thread can be calculated.