标准号:DIN EN 10277-2018
中文标准名称:光亮钢产品. 交货技术条件; 德文版本 EN 10277-2018
英文标准名称:Bright steel products - Technical delivery conditions; German version EN 10277:2018
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:GB/T 699-2015;GB/T 3077-2015;GB/T 5216-2014;GB/T 8731-2008;EN 10020-2000;EN 10021-2006;EN 10025-2-2004;EN 10027-1-2016;EN 10027-2-2015;EN 10079-2007;EN 10204-2004;EN 10247-2017;CEN/TR 10261-2013;EN 10263 Reihe;EN ISO 148-1-2016;EN ISO 377-2017;EN ISO 643-
适用范围:This European standard specifies the technical delivery requirements for bright steel bars in the drawn or peeled/turned condition and they are intended for mechanical purposes, for example for machine parts. The bright bars are subdivided into the following steel types:a) non-alloy general engineering steels; b) non-alloy free-cutting steels; c) non-alloy and alloy case-hardening steels; d) non-alloy and alloy steels for quenching and tempering. Bright steel products of stainless steels are to be found in EN 10088-3.