标准号:DIN EN 60286-1-2018
中文标准名称:自动搬运的部件的封装.第1部分:用连续胶带对有轴向引线的部件进行胶带封装(IEC 60286-1-2017);德文版本EN 60286-1-2017
英文标准名称:Packaging of components for automatic handling - Part 1: Tape packaging of components with axial leads on continuous tapes (IEC 60286-1:2017); German version EN 60286-1:2017
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2018/4/1 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60286-2-2015;IEC 60286-3-2013;IEC 60294-2012;IEC 60301-2012;ISO 11469-2016
适用范围:This part of IEC 60286 applies to the tape packaging of components with axial leads for use in electronic equipment. In general, the tape is applied to the component leads. It covers requirements for taping techniques used with equipment for the preforming of leads, automatic handling, insertion and other operations, and includes only those dimensions which are essential to the taping of components intended for the above-mentioned purposes.