标准号:BS 8431-2010
英文标准名称:Electrical static meters for secondary metering and sub-metering - Specification
发布日期:2010/5/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2010/5/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This British Standard specifies requirements for newly manufacturedelectronic secondary meters or sub-meters which measure eitherelectrical energies alone or electrical energies together with otherelectrical parameters associated with the energy. It applies to metersthat measure active energy, apparent energy, reactive energy(capacitive, inductive and/or total), and ampere squared hours (A?h)and to the measurement of current, voltage, active power, apparentpower, reactive power (capacitive, inductive and/or total), power factor,phase angle and frequency when measured in addition to an energy.It applies to all secondary meters and sub-meters for indoor andoutdoor applications, both portable and permanently installed, forall power frequencies including d.c. It also applies to all registers,indicators, displays and outputs, and to the operation of test outputs.It does not apply to primary meters, to data interfaces to the meter, orto load survey analysers or load survey meters. The reliability aspect isnot covered in this standard.Where the display and/or the memory is external or where otherelements are enclosed in the meter case (such as maximum demandindicators, telemetering, time switches or remote control, etc.) thisstandard applies only to the section of the meter concerned withmeasurement.