标准号:SAE AIR 6211-2012
英文标准名称:Ice Penetration Test Method for Runways and Taxiways Deicing/Anti-icing Chemicals
发布日期:2012/4/19 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ASTM D 1193-2006;ASTM D 1747-2009;SAE AMS 1431;SAE AMS 1435-1995
适用范围:This test method provides stakeholders (runway deicing chemical manufacturers, deicing/anti-icing chemical operators and airport authorities) with a relative ice penetration capacity of runway deicing/anti-icing chemicals, by measuring the ice penetration as a function of time. Such runway deicing/anti-icing chemicals are often also used on taxiways and other paved areas. This test method does not quantitatively measure the theoretical or extended time of ice penetration capability of ready-to-use runway deicing/anti-icing chemicals in liquid or solid form.