标准号:DIN EN 12942-2009
中文标准名称:呼吸保护装置 采用全面罩、半面罩或四分之一面罩动力辅助过虑装置 要求、试验和标记
英文标准名称:Respiratory protective devices - Power assisted filtering devices incorporating full face masks, half masks or quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking (includes A1:2002 and Amendment A2:2008); English version of DIN EN 12942:2009-02
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 132;EN 134;EN 136-1998;EN 140-1998;EN 143;EN 148-1;EN 166;EN 169;EN 170;EN 171;EN 379;EN 13274-7;EN 60079-0;EN 60079-11;EN 60651;EN ISO 6941
适用范围:This European Standard specifies minimum requirements for power assisted respiratory protective deviceswhich incorporate a full face mask, half mask or a quarter mask together with gas, particle or combinedfilter(s) used as respiratory protective devices. It does not cover devices designed for use in circumstanceswhere there is or might be an oxygen deficiency (concentration in oxygen less than 17 % by volume). Also,it does not cover respiratory protective devices designed tor escape purposes.Laboratory tests and practical performance tests are included for the assessment of compliance with therequirements.