标准号:BS EN 15495-2007
英文标准名称:Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission - Examination of metallic pressure equipment during proof testing - Zone location of AE sources
发布日期:2007/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2007/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 1330-1-1998;EN 1330-2-1998;EN 1330-9-2000;EN 13477-1;EN 13477-2;EN 14584
适用范围:The purpose of this standard is to describe the methods for conducting an acoustic emission (AE) examination ofmetallic pressure equipment during acceptance pressure testing using a zone location procedure. Generalprinciples of Acoustic Emissions are described in EN 13554.The objectives of the AE testing are to provide 100 % volumetric testing to define and grade zones of the structurewhich are acoustically active with burst type AE. The method should be regarded as supplementary to planarlocation. Planar location provides the source identification and characterisation. Zone location may also be appliedin such cases where location of AE sources by planar location procedures according to EN 14584 is not possible.The method identifies the need for further evaluation or follow-up by other NDT in localized zones.