标准号:BS 8660-1-2011
中文标准名称:额定热输入不超过净70 kW 的燃气微型热电联产电器.斯特林发动机微型热点联产电器的选择,安装, 检查,调试和维护规范
英文标准名称:Gas-fired micro-cogeneration appliances of rated thermal input not exceeding 70 kW net. Specification for selection, installation, inspection, commissioning, servicing and maintenance of Stirling engine micro-cogeneration appliances
发布日期:2011/11/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/11/30 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 476-22;BS 1179;BS 1179-6;BS 5422-2009;BS 5440-1;BS 5440-2;BS 5482-1;BS 5482-2;BS 5970;BS 6700;BS 6891;BS 7671;BS 7927;BS EN 14336-2004;BS EN 1491;BS EN 12828-2003;BS EN 12831-2003;BS EN 50379-3;BS EN ISO 4126-1;PD 5482-3
适用范围:This part of BS 8660 specifies requirements for the selection,installation,inspection,commissioning,servicing and maintenance of room-sealed gas-fired Stirling engine micro-cogeneration appliances and their protection devices designed to operate in parallel with public low-voltage distribution networks.