标准号:ISO 14625-2007
英文标准名称:Space systems - Ground support equipment for use at launch, landing or retrieval sites - General requirements
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This International Standard specifies the general characteristics, performance, design, test, safety, reliability,maintainability and quality requirements for ground support equipment (GSE) and systems intended for use atlaunch, landing or retrieval-site installations, or other locations that are the responsibility of the launch, landingand retrieval site. This International Standard does not specify how to design GSE, but establishes theminimum requirements to provide simple, robust, safe, reliable, maintainable and cost-effective GSE.This International Standard is applicable to the design of non-flight hardware and software used to support theoperations of transporting, receiving, handling, assembly, inspection, test, checkout, service, launch andrecovery of space vehicles and payloads at the launch, landing or retrieval sites. As such, the requirements ofthis International Standard are optional for hardware used only at the manufacturing, development or test sitesprior to arrival at the launch, landing or retrieval sites. However, if such GSE is temporarily used at a launch,landing or retrieval site, for whatever reason, conformity with all the safety-related requirements of thisInternational Standard is a minimum requirement for the GSE.