标准号:DIN EN 12697-2-2007
英文标准名称:Bituminous mixtures - Test method for hot mix asphalt - Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution (includes Amendment A1:2007); English version of DIN EN 12697-2:2007-11
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 933-1-1997;EN 12697-1;EN 12697-39;ISO 3310-1;ISO 3310-2
适用范围:This European Standard specifies a procedure for the determination of the particle size distribution of theaggregates of bituminous mixtures by sieving. The test is applicable to aggregates recovered after binder extractionin accordance with EN 12697-1.The applicability of this European Standard is described in the product standards for bituminous mixtures.NOTE Fibres, solid (non-soluble during extraction) additives and (some) binder modifiers influence the test result.