标准号:IEEE C 57.13.5-2009
中文标准名称:标称系统电压为115 kV及以上的仪表变压器用性能和试验要求
英文标准名称:Performance and test requirements for instrument transformers of a nominal system voltage of 115 kV and above
发布日期:2009/9/11 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ASTM D1275-2006;IEC 60270-2000;IEEE 4-1995;IEEE 693-2005;IEEE C 57.13-2008;IEEE C 57.19.01-2000;IEEE C 57.106-2006;IEEE C 62.11-2005;NEMA 107-1987
适用范围:This standard applies to single-phase instrument transformers of a nominal system voltage of 115 kV and above with capacitive insulation system for line-to-ground connection and for both indoor and outdoor application.This standard is intended for use as a supplement to IEEE Std C57.13™-20081 and as a basis forperformance and safety of equipment. It also describes test sequences, criteria, methods and documentation for the test.