标准号:BS EN 1127-1-2011
英文标准名称:Explosive atmospheres. Explosion prevention and protection. Basic concepts and methodology
发布日期:2011/8/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2011/8/31 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 1839;EN 13237;EN 13463-1;EN 13463-6;EN 13821;EN 14034-1;EN 14034-2;EN 14034-3;EN 14034-4;EN 14373;EN 14460;EN 14491;EN 14522;EN 14756;EN 14797;EN 15089;EN 15198;CEN/TR 15281;EN 15794;EN 15967;EN 50281-2-1;CLC/TR 50404;EN 50495;EN 60079-1;EN 60079-10-1
适用范围:This European Standard specifies methods for the identification and assessment of hazardous situationsleading to explosion and the design and construction measures appropriate for the required safety. This isachieved by: risk assessment; risk reduction.The safety of equipment, protective systems and components can be achieved by eliminating hazards and/orlimiting the risk, i.e. by:a) appropriate design (without using safeguarding);b) safeguarding;c) information for use;d) any other preventive measures.Measures in accordance with a) (prevention) and b) (protection) against explosions are dealt with in Clause 6,measures according to c) against explosions are dealt with in Clause 7. Measures in accordance with d) arenot specified in this European Standard. They are dealt with in EN ISO 12100:2010, Clause 6.The preventive and protective measures described in this European Standard will not provide the requiredlevel of safety unless the equipment, protective systems and components are operated within their intendeduse and are installed and maintained according to the relevant codes of practice or requirements.This standard specifies general design and construction methods to help designers and manufacturers inachieving explosion safety in the design of equipment, protective systems and components.This European Standard is applicable to any equipment, protective systems and components intended to beused in potentially explosive atmospheres, under atmospheric conditions. These atmospheres can arise fromflammable materials processed, used or released by the equipment, protective systems and components orfrom materials in the vicinity of the equipment, protective systems and components and/or from the materialsof construction of the equipment, protective systems and components.This European Standard is applicable to equipment, protective systems and components at all stages of itsuse.This European Standard is only applicable to equipment group II which is intended for use in other places thanunderground parts of mines and those parts of surface installations of such mines endangered by firedampand/or flammable dust.This European Standard is not applicable to:1) medical devices intended for use in a medical environment;2) equipment, protective systems and components where the explosion hazard results exclusivelyfrom the presence of explosive substances or unstable chemical substances;3) equipment, protective systems and components where the explosion can occur by reaction ofsubstances with other oxidizers than atmospheric oxygen or by other hazardous reactions or by otherthan atmospheric conditions;4) equipment intended for use in domestic and non-commercial environments where potentiallyexplosive atmospheres may only rarely be created, solely as a result of the accidental leakage of fuelgas;5) personal protective equipment covered by Directive 89/686/EEC;6) seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units together with equipment on board such vessels orunits;7) means of transport, i.e. vehicles and their trailers intended solely for transporting passengers byair or by road, rail or water networks, as well as means of transport insofar as such means aredesigned for transporting goods by air, by public road or rail networks or by water; vehicles intendedfor use in a potentially explosive atmosphere shall not be excluded;8) the design and construction of systems containing desired, controlled combustion processes,unless they can act as ignition sources in potentially explosive atmospheres.