标准号:ISO 18185-1-2007
英文标准名称:Freight containers - Electronic seals - Part 1: Communication protocol
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of ISO 18185 provides a system for the identification and presentation of information about freightcontainer electronic seals. The identification system provides an unambiguous and unique identification of thecontainer seal, its status and related information.The presentation of this information is provided through a radio-communications interface providing sealidentification and a method for determining whether a freight container’s seal has been opened.This part of ISO 18185 specifies a read-only, non-reusable freight container seal identification system, with anassociated system for verifying the accuracy of use, having⎯ a seal status identification system,⎯ a battery status indicator,⎯ a unique seal identifier including the identification of the manufacturer,⎯ the seal (tag) type.This part of ISO 18185 is used in conjunction with the other parts of ISO 18185.It applies to all electronic seals used on freight containers covered by ISO 668, ISO 1496-1 to ISO 1496-5,and ISO 8323. Wherever appropriate and practicable, it also applies to freight containers other than thosecovered by these International Standards.