标准号:UIC R 776-1-2006
英文标准名称:Loads to be considered in railway bridge design
发布日期:2006/8/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:UIC Leaflet 776-1 describes the loads to be taken into account in the design of railway bridges.The leaflet defines imposed loads (load models and characteristic values) associated with rail traffic which include:- vertical loads for bridges,- vertical loading for earthworks,- dynamic effects,- centrifugal actions,- nosing action,- braking and acceleration actions,- and actions for Accidental Design Situations corresponding to the derailment of rail traffic on the bridge.It gives also rules and methods for establishing combinations of actions and design values of actions to be taken into account in limit state design.The commissioning party should specify additional requirements for the design of roofed bridges, moveable bridges or bridges carrying road and rail traffic or other structured carrying rail traffic loads(e.g. backfill behind a retaining wall).