标准号:BS EN 12644-2-2000+A1-2008
英文标准名称:Cranes - Information for use and testing - Part 2:Marking
发布日期:2000/5/15 12:00:00
实施日期:2000/5/15 12:00:00
引用标准:EN 292-1-1991;EN 292-2-1991/A1-1995;prEN 12644-1-1997;ISO 13200
适用范围:This part of EN 12644 specifies the requirements for markings, signs and warnings for cranes.This crane standard has been written to be used in conjunction with other crane standards being prepared by CEN/TC147.The hazards covered by this standard are identified in clause 4.This part of EN 12644 applies to cranes which are manufactured after the date of approval by CEN of this standard.This standard does not cover hazards related to the lifting of persons.