标准号:ANSI INCITS 151-1987
中文标准名称:办公设备及消耗品.商用设备、数据处理设备和商用帐票.字符和行距 代替ANSI X3.151-1987
英文标准名称:Office Machines and Supplies - Business Machines, Data Processing Equipment, and Business Forms - Character and Line Spacing Replaces ANSI X3.151-1987
发布日期:1987/1/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This standard (1) lists the preferred and common sheet sizes of bond papers and index bristols and their applicable tolerances; (2) cross references to metric sizes, and (3) references a standard test method.