标准号:BS 5944-6-1992
英文标准名称:Measurement of airborne noise from hydraulic fluid power systems and components - Method of test for pumps using a parallelepiped microphone array
发布日期:1992/12/15 12:00:00
实施日期:1992/12/15 12:00:00
适用范围:This part of ISO 4412 describes procedures for the determination of the sound power levels of a hy-draulic fluid power pump, under controlled con-ditions of installation and operation, suitable for providing a basis for comparing the noise levels of pumps in terms of
— A-weighted sound power level;
— one-third octave band power level.
From these sound power levels, if required, refer-ence sound pressure levels may be calculated for reporting purposes (see clause 11).
For general purposes, the frequency range of inter-est includes the one-third octave bands with centre frequencies between 100 Hz and 10000 Hz.