标准号:ISO 7503-2-1988
中文标准名称:表面污染评价 第2部分:氚表面污染
英文标准名称:Evaluation of surface contamination; part 2: tritium surface contamination
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1988/8/1 12:00:00
适用范围:Applies to surfaces of equipment and facilities, containers of radioactive materials and sealed sources, does not apply to the skin and contamination of clothing. Gives a method of direct measurement and an indirect method for removable surface contamination. Evaluation of surface contaminations from beta-emitters (maximum beta energy greater than 0,15 MeV) and alpha-emitters is dealt with in ISO 7503-1, other radionuclides of practical importance will be dealt with in a future standard.