标准号:SIS SS IEC 678-1986
中文标准名称:核检测仪表.IEC标准CA MAC术语释义
英文标准名称:Nuclear instrumentation - Definitions of CA MAC terms used in IEC publications
发布日期:1986/6/25 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:This standard defines selected terms that are relevant to the following IEC publications:— IEC Publication 516: A Modul?r Instrumentation System for Data Handling; CAMACSystem.— IEC Publication 547: Modul?r Plug-in Unit and Standard 19-inch R?ck Mounting Unit Basedon NIM Standard.— IEC Publication 552: CAMAC — Organization of Multi-crate Systems. Specification of theBranch-highway and CAMAC Crate Controller Type Al.— IEC Publication 640: CAMAC — Serial Highway Interface System.— IEC Publication 677: Block Transfers in CAMAC Systems.— IEC Publication 000: Multiple Controllers in a CAMAC Crate (inpreparation).The object has been to provide concise explanations of the main aspects of each term. In this standard the definitions refer to the use of the terms in the context of CAMAC, although some of the terms are also used in other contexts. These definitions do not modify or supersede the more form?l and comprehensive definitions contained in the IEC publications listed above.