标准号:SIS SS-ISO 8802-2-1990
英文标准名称:Information processing systems — Local area networks — Part 2: Logical link control
发布日期:1990/9/12 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:tional standards produced to facilitate the interconnection of computers and terminals on a Local Area Network (LAN). It is related to the other interna-tional standards by the Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection.NOTE: The exact relationship of the layers described in this International Standard to the layers defined by the OSI Reference Model is under study.This International Standard describes the functions, features, protocol, and services of the Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer in the ISO 8802 Local Area Network Protocol. The LLC sublayer constitutes the top sublayer in the data link layer (see Fig 1-1) and is common to the various medium access methods that are defined and supported by the ISO 8802 activity. Separate international standards describe each medium access method individually and indicate the additional features and functions that are provided by the MediumThis International Standard is one of a set of interna-