标准号:SAE J 1751-1995
英文标准名称:Lubrication Components and Systems Used on Machine Tools and Equipment for the Automotive Industry, Recommended Practice December 1995
发布日期:1995/12/1 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ANSI B 93.2-1986;ANSI/IEEE 268-1992;ANSI/SAE J 534-1993;ANSI T 2.24.1;ISO/R 369-1964;ISO 1000-1992;ISO 1436-1991;ISO 3448-1992;ISO/TR 3498-1986;ISO 3862-1991;ISO 3949-1991;ISO 4406-1987;ISO 4413-1979;ISO 5169-1977;ISO 5170-1977;ISO 5598-1985;ISO 6743;ISO
适用范围:These recommended practices are applicable for lubricating components and systems supplied on machines and equipment used in the automotive industry; for the purpose of this document, any equipment dispensing lubricant used in manufacturing and/or assembly processes. These practices do not apply to injection lubrication of pneumatic components.