标准号:ISO 5066-2-1986
中文标准名称:航空器 2A和3A型气密的单稳态继电器 第2部分:型号批准试验
英文标准名称:Aircraft; Hermetically sealed monostable electrical relays, 2A and 3A; Part 2 : Type approval tests
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围:Gives the methods for these relays, the operating characteristics of which are specified in ISO 5066-1. The relays shall be subjected to the tests in the order stipulated in table 8 in the annex of ISO 5066-1 and in accordance with clause 4 herein as regards the preliminary checks and with clause 5 as regards tests No. 1 to 20.