标准号:AS 3610 Supp.2-1996
发布日期:1996/12/5 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
适用范围: Traditionally, structural design is covered separately for each material in each structural Standard (e.g. AS 4100, AS 1720). For structures constructed of a single material, one structural Standard applies. Formwork, however, usually employs a combination of structural materials and the consequent reference to more than one structural Standard makes the procedure more complicated. In the future, when all Australian design Standards adopt the limit state approach, the current complication should disappear. At present, however, it is necessary to offer both the limit state and the permissible stress approaches to suit both design procedures.In the design of formwork, additional loads and load combinations which are not covered in AS 1170 need to be considered. The flowchart given in Figure C4.1 provides guidelines to designers using Section 4 and Appendix A of this Standard.