标准号:DIN EN 12392-2016
中文标准名称:铝和铝合金.锻压产品和铸造产品.生产压力设备用产品专门要求.德文版本EN 12392-2016
英文标准名称:Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought products and cast products - Special requirements for products intended for the production of pressure equipment; German version EN 12392:2016
发布日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
实施日期:1999/12/31 12:00:00
引用标准:ASTM B 210M-2012;ASTM B 234M-2010;ASTM B 241/B 241M-2016;ASTM B 345/B 345M-2011;ASTM B 548-2003;ASTM B 594-2013;ASTM E 112-2013;ASTM E 215-2011;EN 485-1+A1-2009;EN 485-3-2003;EN 485-4-1993;EN 586-1-1997;EN 586-3-2001;EN 754-1-2008;EN 754-2-2013;EN 754-3-2