标准号:ISO 16232-3-2007
英文标准名称:Road vehicles - Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits - Part 3: Method of extraction of contaminants by pressure rinsing
发布日期:2007/6/1 12:00:00
实施日期:2007/6/1 12:00:00
引用标准:ISO 16232-1;ISO 16232-2;ISO 16232-4;ISO 16232-5;ISO 16232-6;ISO 16232-7;ISO 16232-8;ISO 16232-9;ISO 16232-10-2007
适用范围:This part of ISO 16232 describes the principles of extraction of contaminants from a component by pressurerinsing. It is preferably applied to components of which the surface to be examined is accessible by a jet oftest liquid.This method can be employed on its own or in association with other methods of extraction described in theISO 16232 series.Unless otherwise specified, this part of ISO 16232 deals with particulate contamination only. It does not,therefore, cover appearance defects or contamination by liquid or gaseous materials. It covers the amountand the nature of residual particles resulting from manufacturing processes and from the environment.