BS PD CLC/TR 62102-2006 电气安全性.连接至信息和通信技术网络的设备接口的分类

百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:BS PD CLC/TR 62102-2006
英文标准名称:Electrical safety — Classification of interfaces for equipment to be connected to information and communications technology networks
发布日期:2006/5/31 12:00:00
实施日期:2006/5/31 12:00:00
引用标准:IEC 60950-1-2001;IEC 60950-21-2002
适用范围:This technical report applies to equipment interfaces. These interfaces within the equipmentmay be connected to telecommunication networks, may form part of the telecommunicationnetwork infrastructure or may provide localized transfer of data. This technical report providesguidance on the classification of interfaces in accordance with the circuit types defined inIEC 60950-1 and IEC 60950-21 following an analysis of the telecommunication networkcharacteristics.This technical report only covers equipment appropriately interconnected. Furthermore, it doesnot address damage caused by one equipment to another equipment to which it is connected.Exceptionally, interfaces may be designed for higher or lower levels for special applications. Insuch cases it should be ensured that only interfaces having the same safety category andprotection level are connected together. This is based on the available specifications of theequipment manufacturers and network providers, and on information regarding the installationcategory of the mains interface.This technical report is intended to be used by equipment designers, network operators,network regulators/authorities, standards writers and network installers. It is applicable tovarious interfaces of equipment. Network presentations are not equipment and so are notcovered by IEC 60950-1 and IEC 60950-21; hence they are also not covered by this technicalreport. However, it is necessary to consider the characteristics, installation and presentation oftelecommunication networks when determining what equipment interface requirements apply(for example, SELV circuit, TNV-1 circuit, TNV-2 circuit, TNV-3 circuit etc.).If a standard other than IEC 60950-1 or IEC 60950-21 is used for designing the equipment andits interface (for example, IEC 62151 in conjunction with other product safety standards), thenthe corresponding requirements of these other standards are to be preferred.If there is a conflict between this technical report and a more detailed specification, the latterprevails.This technical report applies regardless of ownership or responsibility for installation andmaintenance of the equipment or network.NOTE Terminal equipment is often connected to customer premises cabling when used in a businessenvironment, and there are standards covering such cabling.






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