BS 6472-1-2008 人体暴露于建筑物振动的评估指南.除爆破以外的振动源

百检网 2021-08-03
标准号:BS 6472-1-2008
英文标准名称:Guide to evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings Part 1: Vibration sources other than blasting
发布日期:2008/6/30 12:00:00
实施日期:2008/6/30 12:00:00
引用标准:BS 6841;BS EN ISO 8041
适用范围:This part of BS 6472 provides guidance on predicting human response tovibration in buildings over the frequency range 0.5 Hz to 80 Hz.Frequency weighting curves for human beings exposed to whole-bodyvibration are included, together with advice on measurement methods tobe employed. Methods of assessing continuous, intermittent andimpulsive vibration are presented.This part of BS 6472 describes how to determine the vibration dosevalue, VDV, from frequency-weighted vibration measurements. Thevibration dose value is used to estimate the probability of adversecomment which might be expected from human beings experiencingvibration in buildings. Consideration is given to the time of day and usemade of occupied space in buildings, whether residential, office orworkshop.NOTE 1 In critical work areas, where vibration criteria more stringentthan those for human perception are appropriate, this British Standarddoes not apply.NOTE 2 Annex A outlines the way in which methods, results andassessments are to be reported, since great care is needed if satisfactory,repeatable conclusions are to be obtained. Annex B provides workedexamples of how measurements and predictions might be interpreted interms of human reaction. Annex C provides examples of the derivation ofvalues appropriate to this British Standard from historic data.This British Standard does not give guidance on the probability ofequipment malfunction, structural damage or injury to occupants inbuildings subject to vibration. Neither is guidance given on legal liabilityor methods of vibration limitation, although beneficial means to the latterare often implied.






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